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<<มีนาคม 2610 >>


Innovative lightweight concrete mass steam

    Charles Fair fiber supplement  1 

For "innovation innovation mass concrete light, steam, natural fiber supplement" is through research. A revolution for years to building a new model. Features include:

    From the study: the application of fibers in the concrete mass added strength light steam by research team includes Dr. Bwr  professor at downspout  Ayutthaya Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technology, Bangkok. Head of Research Dr. Oitin and bullfrog  Ms. wanwisa Stupa - Phatra Nat. Research Development of Super Blog Plc researchers.

    This research was supported by National Nanotechnology Center (Nanotech) and Rajamangala University of Technology, Bangkok. To provide flexible features of natural fibers and synthetic fibers to strengthen the application of mass concrete strength lightweight metal instead of steam.

     The goal is Of natural fibers. India  Raa or fiber to enhance the strength of the concert. Green light mass of steam (Aerated autoclaved concrete, AAC) instead of iron wire, based  to create bonding between the bonding  All New. A strength because the concrete mass is light, steam has a crystal structure of the Mercedes-Wright. (Tobermerite) caused by imported materials such as concrete building structures with the pulp to a molecular size from 60 to 90 microns, or from 60,000 to 90,000 nanometers.

      Bubbles make the limited partnership structure of reaction of lime Cement powder and  Pluto is not a small air bubble in the form of closed-gap small (Micro Pore) synthesis process with steam temperature 180 degrees C Pressure 12 bar, so it is a new feature. Of quartz crystal, Catherine Birnie  screwball musical folk drama was smaller molecules by 100 nm light materials concrete mass steam. Features a positive ion, while the natural fibers. And several types of synthetic fibers that can be an inductance ion removed. Making structures are homogeneously Solid concrete mass standard light type steam iron supplement clear. Reduce production costs. Lower heat value of weight

      Chemical structure of fiber types Paralympic R รา Mickey (Para-aramid) is used instead of added strength steel accessories. Grating coated R-thread textile  Mickey White The strong resistance to pull a 25 ton per Milliman April

      Carbon fiber reinforced rods, a force for pulling the minimum (Minimum Tenseil strength) of approximately 30,000 kg and a ton of value, modular  of the spongy  (Young's Modulus) is approximately a 156.8 kilo tonnes per square centimeter. This type of material features strong resistance to pull high. It is lightweight compared to steel accessories with the same size. There is now used in the construction of a purpose. Need to enhance the strength of the buildings do not want the flow of electricity through the electrical short caused when steel accessories. Or thunderstorms, especially buildings. Computer rooms or large Or even electricity pole.

      Kevlar4 rainforced rod for a minimum pull strength (Minimum tenseil load) of approximately 22,700 kg of Newton modular, cost of flexibility (Young's Modulus) is approximately a 68.6 kilo tons per square centimeter. When used to compare the weight unit (Unit weight) between Carbon fiber rainforced rods Kevlar49 rainforced rod with a unit weight less than Carbon fiber rainforced rods are about 30 percent of current capacity in ปั materials Kevlar49. Was a popular material used in the textile gear  missile 

      The construction of a replacement for steel Kevlar49 accessories. Because, at the property that can resist strong lithe good light and also resistant to corrosion of the types of sulfate.

      However Kevlar49 a higher price. And plants can also produce a few. Advantage when ending the steel counterpart, it is common cause of not popular; Implementation of a continuous fiber. And can control the arrangement of nano fibers. Accurately from the force will be added. Lightweight concrete mass that is fiber formation in mass concrete structures similar to the normal light steam temperature from 180 to 195 degrees Celsius does not make the structure of R  Mid disintegrate. Mid  because Sun will begin to disintegrate temperature 500 degrees C has no effect on the connection between bonding. Fiberglasses-Aramid-Tobermcrite.
      The force that tends to bend upward as the stage increased the bend strength test is the weight that will point to the fiber distribution is part of a light mass and texture of concrete. A line of your possessions ตื flexible power distribution. Benefits from this research project is Making materials last for long.
      Supplementing with iron. Added production cost due to lower steel bar used to enhance strength. When difficult and varied materials such as steel bar, stainless materials and other materials different from the use of a single fiber. Twist, with the added strength makes fiber row Green light to more than With the added strength of steel bar promotes energy conservation.

       Because the fiber wall added strength. Thermal insulation is better than steel rod This helps in saving energy, reducing the temperature in buildings. Patents and is caused by the invention of Thai researchers are developing a technology construction materials with nanometer manufacturing systems. The construction of buildings such as the supplementary power position wall box door window instead of cast reinforced concrete. Concrete wall shielding plate for successful outdoor lighting. Mass concrete structure in the light sheet size to the application instead of building with wood. Because weight And solid same teak can be installed in the same way is not


First in the world! Thai researchers.
"Siemens sheet". The rubber –

       M. Tech researchers, the capital of a fiber sheet Siemens. Siemens plywood and wood from the rubber crumb and คา the first time in the world. Existing technology used to reveal "ignore" imported from abroad. Private company heir. Unveil Technologies helps people not to import equipment worth 500 million.
       Signing ceremony license in research and production of formula products and sheet rubber wood fiber from Siemens. And process fiberboard Siemens คา the wood fibers from a Sydney On Darling Harbor, through the conditioning of the Center of the National Metal and Materials Technology (M. Tech) to Siam Commercial galleries , this limit on 19. , .52 at Metal and Materials Technology Center National Science Park, Thailand Under the operating rights to license the right technology management office (TLO).
       Assoc. Prof. Haru halo properties from the Department of the Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University product. Head of the research team said the research that Rubber wood is the wood of the Thai economy in the industrial use of rubber wood to be 80 percent because of costs than other types of wood.
       However in industrial rubber, leaving a portion of the processing when we calculate that 50-55% utilization of timber from natural rubber. Found that only 20-25% utilization is only a thought that leads from the left portion to produce a rubber wood construction materials.
       Research after a period of a half years. Funded under the $ 3 million from M. Tech Assoc. Prof. halo with a research team from the Department of products. And academics from the Forest Research and Forest Management Department of Forestry To develop manufacturing discs rubber wood fiber from Siemens. Fiberboard and fiber from the Siemens คา a successful Sydney On Darling Harbor, which  as Siam Commercial galleries are limited to the technology transfer cap To produce and sell products.
       "We are the first in the world lead "Short bond" from the wood fiber  Sydney On Darling Harbor, a wood fiber and rubber. To produce a fiber sheet Siemens. The past has been manufactured using "long bond" from neglect, which must import from abroad, "Assoc. Prof. halo identified.
       The divinity Rs.dr.  abundant business director Edcha M. Tech. Added. Siemens developed fiber sheets. Using the shortest tie. Relationship is important because it is different from the short bond length. Research and to replace short bond length relationship is difficult. Also, industrial rubber crumb that is left remaining. Sometimes because of the value minus cost of disposal. Research and also help reduce the cost of purchased materials imported from abroad.
        "The primary mission of the National Science and Technology Development. Is science and technology are driving forces in the economy. This research is a good premonition. And received minor patents. Although research is not directly from the police, but as of partners from the University The cooperation in this research. It is necessary for resource-limited countries like Thailand And not just work with the National Science and Technology Development, which helps drive the economy, but the outside is a critical "Rs.dr.  divinity.
        Mr. Kirti Chai Mongkol ปั majority of excellence. Director Siam Commercial galleries , Ltd. This company, said compressed paper industry we do (Hard Board) and the fraction remaining material left from the wood คา Sydney On Darling Harbor, a large number of When the note is M. Tech and research regarding the production of sheet rubber, fiber and fiber from Siemens คา a tree in Sydney On Darling Harbor. Is interesting because the company has a potential to improve productivity to meet it. To import machinery and partially
        If using Siemens technology manufacturing fiber sheets, using traditional fiber length of the devil, Mr.  must specify that the value of imported machinery, but when there are 500 million people own technology reducing the cost of just 1 in 4. and only from this research also need to develop another product about 1 year expects to have products available.
       Mr. Chai said that even the major fiber sheets of paper from Siemens recorder, but in a product line is the same. A material in construction It currently produces a translucent wall and ceiling room. The paper sheets packed fight Siemens is not clear that can not tolerate water. Moisture or more. Siemens Thailand sheets but humid And applied to outdoor walls.  also die And เชื้อรา. In addition wallboard. The company will work with M. Tech to develop a floor plate for decorating.
       "The acquisition of Research of Thailand Saving money to invest part. Because no acquire Tech โน technology from abroad. The company was looking for research that helps companies with a variety of products. The company is to produce machines that can improve this product. And do not purchase licenses from foreign countries. However, police want to help release more research. And also believe that more research. The research of the Thai people should take advantage. Because some foreign buying, but to keep people continue not to do that, "said  of the devil."
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